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Saturday 6 May 2017

Top 10 I Love U Massages For mother

Top 10 I Love U Massages For mother

1) A mother… sees all, says little. Sacrifices all, complains little. 

Gives all, expects little. All she wants is her child to be happy – 

that’s what I’ve learnt from all these years. Thanks for everything, 

love you mom.

2) With you, I have fought and argued. In return, you kept a calm
mood. At you, I have ranted and screamed. At me, you made sure
your love beamed. For you, I could have definitely done more. For

 me, your heart has always had an open door. I love you mom.

3) The job of a mother is more important than the job of any CEO

 in this world. CEOs run companies, mothers change lives. CEOs

 make good employees. Mothers make CEOs. I love you mom.

4) This is a tribute to a woman who works hard to pay the

 mortgage, raise her children and support her friends. She is not

 SuperWoman, she is my mom. I love you.

5) If my life had to be fit in a single selfie, it would be incomplete

 without my mommy. I love you.

6) I may never be able to be exactly like you, but just the thought of 

filling the shoes of a woman like you makes me a better person. 

I love you mom.

7) The world would change into a better place if producers started

 making reality TV shows about how loving moms like you juggle 

the burdensome responsibilities of work, family and kids – all

 while carrying a beautiful smile on the face. I love you ma.

8) I am not afraid of dying because I have already been to heaven – 

the warm place where I rest my head on my mother’s shoulder. 

I love you mom.

9) Mom – your love is the chicken soup for my soul. 

I love you.

10) I fight with you every now and then, I keep arguing again and

 again. But deep down inside I hope that your heart knows, that my

 love for you will forever grow. I love you ma.

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